Vertical Electric Resistivity Readings for Water Well Drilling
Suma Jayma carries out vertical electrical resistivity geophysical studies for optimizing the siting of drilled water wells.
The objective of the resistivity study is to obtain the geoelectric properties of the subsoil layers in order to know depths of the possible aquifers as well as expected drilling conditions. The resulting values following data analysis helps identify areas of interest for the drilling of water wells.
Specifically, the Suma Jayma team employs the Wenner four-pin method to obtain approximate soil resistivity measurements at varying depths below surface. A low resistivity reading, measured in Ohm-meters, point to higher electric current conductive environments such as clay soils or brackish groundwater, while high soil resistivity readings reflect conditions such as dry sands and gravels. Interpretation of soil resistivity values for a particular region such as the Andean Altiplano improves with experience, as Suma Jayma staff compare readings to actual well drill hole cuttings.
The resistivity equipment is of US origin, Bison Instruments brand. Suma Jayma staff were trained by Geophysicists with Gehrig, Inc. during well drilling exercises with experienced drillers in New Mexico and North Texas.
Soil resistivity readings using the Wenner four-pin method provides critical insights into subsurface conditions
Geophyiscal readings are taken, analyzed and interpreted to provide useful data prior to well drilling