Drinking Water Committee Training
Training workshops
Suma Jayma's technicians provide training to communities that have water supply distribution systems - both in terms of technical maintenance skills as well as governance issues such as collection of monthly operations & maintenances tariffs and transparent record keeping.
Suma Jayma also provides training in the proper use of ecological latrines and the proper use and repair of manual family hand pumps.
When funding is available, Suma Jayma will host a multi-community weekend training seminar with participants from across multiple municipal jurisdictions. A typical agenda for such a gathering with its emphasis on active participant learning would include:
Technical presentation by a pipe manufacturing representative (for example, on use and maintenance of PVC pipe)
Plumbing practice (knowledge of tools and accessories)
Hand-on inspection and cleaning of the hosting community's water storage tank
Environmental education
First day review and evaluation, with contest to recognize tools and accessories
Health and hygiene
Accounting (including emphasis on transparent record-keeping of a community's drinking water and sanitation committee income and expenses)
Understanding the municipal budgeting process, and citizen participation
Use of latrines
Statutes and regulations of drinking water and sanitation committees
Workshop review and evaluation (including suggestions of future workshop topics and improvements)
Suma Jayma's multi-community Drinking Water and Sanitation Committee training workshops are highly participative, with topics ranging from tools and PVC piping to health/hygiene and environmental education.